
DLT, Beyond Settlement: A Roundtable Write-up
Sister publication Global Trading sponsored a Thought Leadership Roundtable entitled DLT: Beyond Settlement. The event took place October 3 at the ASX office in Sydney.
Traders Poll
As the retail brokers have raced to lower commissions to zero for trades, will this translate into a profound change in the institutional equity marketplace?
- Yes
- No
- A slight change at best

Baton Systems and J.P. Morgan Automate Derivatives Margin Payments
The DLT-based platform will help redeploy cash and collateral balances more effectively to global clearing houses.
Citi Launches Global Collect B2B Cross-Border Payments Platform
By automating the entire workflow including international billing, automated payment, currency selection and reconciliation multinational clients achieve greater visibility and control over cross-border receipts and their global cash position.
Citi Launches Regulatory Initial Margin Calculation Service
Citi's Regulatory Initial Margin Calculation Service helps firms as they progress from needing to estimate their future initial margin levels before the deadlines to calculation and reconciliation.
Guide to Correspondent Clearing Firms
A guide to correspondent clearing firms as presented by Clearing Quarterly & Directory.
Demystifying Dodd-Frank
Commissioner Scott O'Malia of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is on a mission. He says the process of writing new over-the-counter derivative contract rules needs more transparency. Over the past year he has repeatedly called for more roundtables and public comment on how rules are written. Why is this important? Because these rules, among other things, will determine which OTC derivative contracts must go through a clearing process and which ones can continue to use the old bilateral, dealer-to-dealer model.
OCC Sees Record Clearing Levels
The Chicago-based Options Clearing Corp., the largest equities derivative clearing firm, saw record clearing volumes in the first month of 2014.
Brown Exits Omgeo, Arthus Steps In
Longtime Omgeo CEO and president Marianne Brown has stepped down from the Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. subsidiary and will be replaced by Paula Sausville Arthus.
SunGard's Cloud STP for Alternative Investments
Hedge fund managers, private equity firms and fund administrators looking to manage incoming and outgoing alternative investment data now have a cloud-based choice from SunGard.
ICE Trade Vault: 4.5M
IntercontinentalExchange Group's Trade Vault Europe, its European trade repository, processed roughly 4.5 million trades across energy, agricultural commodities, metals, credit, interest rates and equity derivatives its first day.