The Derivatives Service Bureau published the agenda of the first meeting of its new Technology Advisory Committee. Topics of discussion range from infrastructure issues regarding the stability and resiliency of the DSB platform to usability issues related to download formats and increased efficiency. Many of these topics derive from industry feedback in the most recent initial industry consultation on the 2019 fee model and user contract.
The mission of the industry-based TAC is to provide recommendations to the DSB Board on technology implementation and investment to support the DSB role as a critical market infrastructure for providing financial instrument identifiers. As part of the DSB governance structure, it will also enable the DSB to sample industry sentiment regarding potential changes in services and performance. Further details of the TACs purpose are available in the TAC Charter here.
As an industry utility run on a cost-recovery basis, we look forward to receiving the TAC’s views on the appropriate level of investment in technology for the DSB to meet its responsibilities as a critical market infrastructure said Marc Honegger, TAC Sponsor and board member of the DSB. The TACs input on our technology planning will be an invaluable part of this decision process.
The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, 27th of June at 12 PM UTC, expected to last for two hours. In the interest of transparency, TAC meetings are public and observable through webinar access. Online registration for the webinar can be found here. The meeting will be recorded for later playback with a link provided in the TAC section of the DSB website.
In launching the DSB, we were focused on enabling the derivatives markets to meet the MiFID II reporting requirements for OTC derivatives. We succeeded in that goal, said Sassan Danesh, member of the DSB management team and the Designated DSB Officer of the TAC. Now we are addressing the refinements requested by DSB users. The TAC represents a substantial cross-section of stakeholders, but we also encourage other members and stakeholders to view the webinar to ensure that their interests are being addressed.
Beyond the most recent announcement of the DSB membership, new additions and changes to the TAC membership include the following:
- (New Member) JP Morgan: Rajiv Malik, Vice President
- (New Member) SEB: Henrik Martensson, Markets CTO Office
- (New Member) Tradeweb: Elodie Cany, Director, Technology Product Development
- (Change of Representative) Rabobank: James Brown, Delivery Manager, IT Systems
- (Change of Representative) Thomson Reuters: David Bull, Head of FI Content Management
The meeting agenda, the full list of TAC participants and regulatory observers, and minutes of meetings will be available at the DSB website.