Galleries Boston Security Traders By Editorial Staff - June 23, 2010 ShareTweetShare 1 of 15 John Silvestri, Aqua Equities, New York; Jared Baker, Charles River, Boston; Joe Valenza, Surge Trading, New York. Michael Condelli, Cantor Fitzgerald, Jeff Breay, Knight; Ron Rodericks, ITG, all Boston. Johsh Schwartz, Emma Doughan, Sean Klinkowize, all Bloomberg Tradebook, New York. Joe Ranieri, Nova Capital, Tim Love, White Cap; Ben Marsh, Joe Sealia, both BTIG, all Boston Chris Cullinan, GMO, Boston; Andrew Frank, NYSE Euronext, Jim Schroeder, JPMorgan, both New York. Kristen Antonellis, Anchor; Chris Geiger, Dru Stock, Melonie Barrett, Sun Katay, Margaret Burke, Noble Research, all Boston. Peter Hoey, Direct Access, Brian Smith Grantham Mayo Von Otterloo; Alisha Perdue, Roxbury Youthworks; Tom Kane, Rosenblatt, all Boston. Brian Williamson, Liquidnet, Whit Conary, LeveL ATS; Patrick Morrissey, Gus Phelps, both Seacoast Securities; all Boston; Curtis Pfeiffer, Pragma Securities, New York; Tucker Orrock, Instinet, Boston. Art Oswald, Susquehanna, Marla Serwin, Knight Capital Group, both Boston Erik Dorin, guest; Chris Dorin, The Boston Company, Steve Puleo, Morgan Keegan, all Boston. Ralston Roberts, SunGard, Jersey City; Jerry Pawlowski Stephens, Boston. Mike Kogan, Kevin Varian, both Credit Suisse, New York. John Silvestri, Aqua Equities, New York; Sara Baker, David Puopolo, Stephanie Minster, all ITG, Boston. Sergio Bordenahe, Alaris; Chiara Sarata, LeveL ATS; Mark McGoldrick, Alaris, all Boston. Brandi Gatlin, Merriman Curhan Ford; Larry Peruzzi, Cabrera Capital Markets; Pam Woodruff, Stephens, all Boston. ShareTweetShare