Rising Star: Kathryn Novak, Virtu Financial

Kathryn Novak, Analyst, Virtu Financial, won Rising Star at Markets Media Group’s 2023 Women in Finance (U.S.) Awards.

Kathryn Novak

Who have been the main influences in your career?

I have learned so much from my teammates and all the people around me. Throughout my entire career, I have been very fortunate to be surrounded by amazing women. Specifically, two of my managers, Erin Stanton and Christine Ma, who have helped guide and support me from day one. I am so lucky to work and learn from them every single day. In my eyes, they embody what it means to be a successful woman in finance. I would not have received this honor without them.

What’s something you’re really proud of and why?

I am extremely proud to have been a part of various women’s empowerment initiatives at Virtu. Speaking at the Women in Data Science conference and contributing to our Winternship program (now in its sixth year!) has been particularly fulfilling. In the Winternship, we provide women in the early stages of college with an opportunity to gain exposure to the field of finance. It has been an honor to play a small role in this program and support women in the early stages of their career as so many people did for me.

This accomplishment is especially gratifying as it enables young women to explore diverse options available to them within the broad scope of “data science”; and most importantly, it empowers them to choose their path.

What’s your advice to the next generation of women in finance?

The advice I would give to the next generation of women in finance would be to be brave. Be brave in speaking up. Be brave in asking questions. Be brave in trying something new.

In every situation, the more effort you dedicate, the greater the personal reward– so do not hesitate to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

There’s no need to be afraid of being wrong or asking what may seem like a ‘dumb question’ because regardless, you will learn the answer. Pushing myself beyond my limits has led to some of my most rewarding experiences.

What keeps you motivated?

My perpetual motivation stems from my team. I am constantly learning new skills and insights simply by interacting with those around me. Being surrounded by people that love learning is the driving force behind my continuous pursuit of improvement. They are constantly inspiring me to be better and it’s a privilege to work alongside such talented individuals every single day.