Article Guidelines


Traders Insights Guidelines

Traders Magazine publishes contributed pieces online and in print in our Insights section. The editors decide what articles make it into print – depending on deadlines, topics, quality of the article and other criteria.

Traders Magazine covers the buyside – institutional asset managers, pension funds, hedge funds and prop shops. We do not cover retail individual traders. Our readers manage billions and trade in the tens of millions.

Our word count is flexible – just remember to say what you want as trader attention spans can be short.

The hottest topics for Traders Magazine are market structure and the continuing changes in the relationship between the buyside and sellside. Other hot topics are cyrptocurrencies, HFT, dark pools, regulations, fixed income and so forth.

Please include a picture of the author and or charts to make your story pop out to readers. The chart must be clear and concise and the data should not be so small that readers have to squint to glean the info. We will kill the chart if it offers no value.

No self-promotion! This is iron clad. If you’re submitting something from a vendor, anything that says, “Banks needs to buy solutions that do X, which we happen to sell,” we will not publish it..”

Tell us something important. What do our readers need to know? What will help them with their jobs and the company’s bottom line? If there is a new law or regulation coming down the pike, tell us about what they need to do NOW to meet the requirement.

Give a success story. We know you cannot name names but give us a case study with an unnamed hedge fund and how you helped them with Challenge X. Give metrics. How did it help them? People love that.

Take a stand. If you hate a new law, tell us. Don’t be wishy washy. Tell us why it will harm the way we do business.

Wake us up. Be clever. Keep our interest. Tell us a story

Magazine English, please. This is not a tech journal or an address to Parliament.

Bullet points are fine in an article if you have to use them – and you don’t.

Give a short history lesson. How is the Flash Crash like the Paper Crisis of the late 1960s? Tell us!

We need a headline and a 2 sentence bio of the author.

We will need a headshot of the author, too. It should be at least 300-dpi and be about the size of your open hand when held against the monitor.