SEC to Vote on Reg NMS Amendments on Sept. 18

Sunshine Act Meeting

TIME AND DATE: Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of the Government in the Sunshine Act, Pub. L. 94-409, that the Securities and Exchange Commission will hold an Open Meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (ET)

PLACE: The meeting will be webcast on the Commission’s website at

STATUS: This meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. (ET) and will be open to the public via webcast on the Commission’s website at


  1. The Commission will consider whether to adopt amendments to certain rules of Regulation NMS under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to amend the minimum pricing increments for the quoting of certain NMS stocks, reduce the access fee caps, and enhance the transparency of better priced orders.

CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: For further information and to ascertain what, if any, matters have been added, deleted or postponed, please contact Vanessa A. Countryman from the Office of the Secretary at (202) 551-5400.

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552b.

Dated: September 11, 2024

Vanessa A. Countryman,


Source: SEC