Saturday, March 8, 2025
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FLASHBACK FRIDAY: The Downside of an Earlier NYSE Opening

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: The Downside of an Earlier NYSE Opening

This week's FLASHBACK FRIDAY looks back at when the NYSE considered changing its opening to earlier hours. Traders Magazine looks back at the evolution of trading hours and the consequences/benefits of changing hours in the current market structure.
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: One Touch – Big Brokers Merging ‘High-Touch’ Sales Traders with ‘Low-Touch’ Electronic Counterparts

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: One Touch – Big Brokers Merging ‘High-Touch’ Sales Traders with ‘Low-Touch’ Electronic...

In this week's Flashback Friday installment, Traders Magazine looks back to 2013 and how brokers, faced with shrinking commissions, began to merge their high- and low-touch trading desks into a new hybrid group called "one touch."
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: The Age-Old Debate: Centralization vs. Fragmentation

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: The Age-Old Debate: Centralization vs. Fragmentation

Ten years ago the debate between fragmentation and centralization was all the rage on Wall Street. And it still is, to a degree, today.
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Becoming a Superpower-GETCO’s Looks to Knight’s Wholesale and Retail Businesses as Keys to Growth

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Becoming a Superpower-GETCO’s Looks to Knight’s Wholesale and Retail Businesses as Keys...

In this week's FLASHBACK FRIDAY lookback, we revisit 2013 when market maker GETCO was looking to drive it business forward in a stagnant commission rate and highly competitive market making environment. In exploring its limited options, GETCO opted to purchase Knight. Seemed a like a good match - but was it?
FLASHBACK FRIDAY GALLERY: 2012 Wall Street Women Gala (Part 2)

FLASHBACK FRIDAY GALLERY: 2012 Wall Street Women Gala (Part 2)

In todays look back down Memory Lane, Traders Magazine shares the photos and memories of the 2012 Wall Street Women Awards winners and gala.


Looking back just one year, Traders Magazine was invited to Triad Securities, a New York-based agency-only prime brokerage provider as it celebrated its 40th year. We were proud to visit the service provider to interview the men and women who make the firm tick.
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: SEC Proposal: Real-Time Dark Pool Reporting Spooks Industry

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: SEC Proposal: Real-Time Dark Pool Reporting Spooks Industry

While sounding good at the outset and gaining populist support, real-time reporting and use of identifiers when trading in dark pools is still in the offing and still spooks industry - even eight years later.
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: The SEC Approves Overhaul for the OTC Marketplace

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: The SEC Approves Overhaul for the OTC Marketplace

In this Flashback Friday story, Cromwell Coulson, chairman of the National Quotation Bureau, owner and operator of the manually-traded pink sheets, which has now morphed into OTC Markets, looks back to 1998 and what he has done to make trading in small cap OTC Markets stocks safe.
FLASHBACK FRIDAY GALLERY: Traders Order Management Systems Overview

FLASHBACK FRIDAY GALLERY: Traders Order Management Systems Overview

In this recent slideshow, Traders Magazine documents the evolution of order and execution management systems over the last 25 years. Check out the images right here.
FLASHBACK FRIDAY GALLERY: St Jude 19th Annual Taste of New York

FLASHBACK FRIDAY GALLERY: St Jude 19th Annual Taste of New York

The holidays are a time of celebrating but also of giving and eating. In today's Flashback Friday Gallery Traders Magazine goes back to December 2008 and Pier Sixty where Wall Street's professionals got together to ring in the holiday to raise money for St Jude Children's Hospital and sample some of New York's best cuisine. …


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