This is a big year for Triad Securities. The prime brokerage services firm is celebrating its 40th anniversary in a market where new IPOs are slowing down thanks to market volatility. While other sellside firms might rest on their laurels, this agency-only firm is venturing into fixed income trading and new technology offerings for its clients.
This month, Triad Securitiesexpanded their clearing service offering by signing up as an Introducing Broker with Wedbush Securities earler this month. Before that, Triad Securities joined the Airex Market Partner Program, which will give Triad clients access to financially actionable applications, information, and reports.
Triad Securities invited Traders to visit its headquarters on Broadway in the financial district. The sellside firm occupies a series of small offices not far from Trinity Church. When you walk into Triad Securities, you hear a sound that is familiar to any parent of a teenager a decade ago: the gloopy sound effect that a new message has arrived on AIM. Instant messaging is very important to Triad: More than a few Triad employees proudly proclaim that there is no voicemail at the firm. If a client has a problem or a concern, they can reach out to a Triad technologist, trader or sales rep via phone, e-mail or IM.
Traders asked the key players inside Triad Securities about the challenges of being a prime brokerage firm, their day-today responsibilities and how a small-scale firm can compete in a crowded field as the sellside contracts. Part Two of our photo feature will appear in the coming weeks.
To view other Traders slideshows – like scenes from the recent Mid-Atlantic Security Traders Association Conference or the Florida STA Conference in Orlando – please visit the Traders Photos page.