Drexel Hamilton, a service-disabled veteran-owned broker-dealer, announced yeesterday the retirement of President and CEO, James Cahill. AnthonyFelice, DanielBoyle,and John Martinko, all service-disabled Veterans and employees of the firm, will assume day to day leadership of the firm.
I have had more gratification doing this job than any man should have, said Cahill. Im proud to pass the torch to three capable and deserving service-disabled Veterans.

Drexel Hamilton was founded by Lawrence Doll in 2007 on the principle of offering meaningful employment opportunities to disabled Veterans. Under Cahills leadership, the firm employs 40% veterans, half of whom are service-disabled.
Dolls ultimate goal was to build a firm that would be owned and operated by service-disabled Veterans. The appointment of Felice, Boyle, and Martinko brings his vision to fruition.
New Leadership
Felice has been with Drexel Hamilton since 2015 and will now serve as Chief Executive Officer. He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY and served as an officer in the United States Army deploying overseas to Panama, Macedonia, Kosovo and Germany.
Boyle has been with Drexel Hamilton since 2011 and will now act as Co-President. He served as a Major in the U.S. Marine Corps and deployed twice to Iraq. During his service, he receivedmultiple awards, including Operation Iraqi Freedom Medal twice; Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal; Navy Commendation Medal; and a Combat Action Ribbon.
Martinko joined Drexel Hamilton in 2012 and will now function as Co-President alongside Boyle. He served as an Infantry Officer, Special Operations Airborne Ranger, in the United States Army, achieving the rank of Captain. He deployed seven times during Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freedom. He is a recipient of three Bronze Stars, one with the V (Valor) device denoting his acts of heroism.
Were appreciative of everything James Cahill has done for the firm and the Veterans we employ,says Felice, on behalf of the new leadership. Together we will carry on Drexel Hamiltons legacy and pay it forward to Veterans, especially those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.