Coming Soon: A Blockchain ATS

Online retailer expects trading to begin on its blockchain-based alternative trading system before the end of the year, according to company officials.

The ATS will be operated by subsidiary T0 as part of the companys Medici Project, and it will only handle trades in the company stock, at least at first. So while its not an immediate competitive threat to the existing field of 13 U.S. stock exchanges plus several dozen ATSs, the initiative will be closely watched as a gauge of the potential of distributed-ledger technology in capital markets.

The ATS will write completed trades to its blockchain instead of routing them to the National Securities Clearing Corp., a subsidiary of Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., for clearing. plans to prime the liquidity on the ATS through a new issue of corporate shares to existing shareholders the day before trading commences on the new trading venue.

Judd Bagley, T0

Judd Bagley, T0

The shareholders then have the option of buying the shares in the traditional manner or using the blockchain-based system, said Judd Bagley, whose titles are chief evangelist at T0 and director of communications at We are working very diligently to get this squared away.

Bagley believes the initial liquidity on the ATS will come from retail orders entered on behalf of cyber-currency enthusiasts. The company hasnt determined the size of thestock issuance. has a history of supporting bitcoin and was the first retailer to accept online purchases in the cyber-currency, beginning in January 2014.

The hardcore bitcoin adherents showed up and really worked hard to evangelize what we were doing and to get others to purchase on as a way of expressing gratitude, he explained. We expect that the first round of participants in this issuance in the secondary market will be those kinds of folks.

However, he acknowledges that the ATS will need institutional liquidity to provide an efficient market in the long term and that T0 has built the platform to handle institutional traffic.

T0 officials plan to formally announce its partnership with a broker-dealer on Sept. 12.For those who want to trade on the ATS, they will have to create an account with the broker-dealer, said Bagley, who declined to name the brokerage firm.

Investors will be able to select from multiple very vanilla order types, which are still in development, he added.T0 may use a so-called maker-taker rebate model to encourage liquidity, but officials have not made a final decision.

The new trading venue is a mix of internally developed technology and the technology T0 acquired with its purchase of order-routing firm SpeedRoute in October 2015.T0 built its matching engine internally as well as the necessary interfaces to the rest of the U.S. equity marketplace.

The company, in conjunction with Bay-area consultancy PeerNova, also developed a proprietary blockchain architecture for the ATS instead of using Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Ripple.

Unlike typical non-permissioned cyber-currency blockchains, T0 will own the computer hashing power that verifies and validates each trade before it writes each trade to the blockchain.

We own that, said Bagley. However, anybody who wants will be able to download the software, run it, and verify the validity of the trades in real time independently.

T0 defines real time as taking up to 10 minutes to write each transaction to the blockchain depending on where it falls in the queue.Thats like a Rocky Mountains speed bump compared with the 350-microsecond processing delay of IEX, the newest U.S. exchange.

T0 also will encrypt the intent of each order on the ATS to make it more difficult for anyone trying to get ahead of traders, he added.

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