Tired of the winter blues and gray skies?
There is still time to register for theSecurity Traders Association of Florida’s (STAF) h7th Annual Conference at the Eden Roc Miami Beach Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida from February 9-12.

According to event coordinator Janice Hilsman, the meet has several special networking events and sessions where traders can participate in an “Interactive Discussion with Buy-Side and Agency Traders.”
Things kick off Thursday night with a special, by invitation-only Presidents reception.
The keynote speaker for the event will be Yousef Abbasi, Global Market Strategist of JonesTrading. Panel sessions featuring veteran traders and professionals such as Ariel Investments Cheryl Cargie, Lisa Utasi of Clearbridge Advisors, Eden Simmer of PIMCO, Atlanta Capitals Dallas Lundy and ITGs Doug Clark are scheduled to discuss buy-side and sell-side trading perspectives – from the technology, workflow and execution standpoints.
There will also be a charity event designed to help the nations veterans – Paws for Patriots – a program designed to assist soldiers by paring them up with dogs that can offer emotional, physical, psychological support. Please click here to read more.