Best execution met body checking at the Parade Ice Arena where brokers and traders settle their trade disputes in three games at the 21st annual Minnesota STA Buyside-Sellside Hockey Game.
Traders is proud to present pictures from the evenings tournament.
The teams were lead by Dan Hinote of Wedbush Securities and Brian Bellows of Piper Jaffray, who both played on Stanley Cup-winning teams back in the 1990s. Hinote played for the Colorado Avalanche while Bellows skated for The Canadians.
The brokers and traders played three games to five with randomly picked teams. Hinote lead one team to two victories, while Bellows lead the other team to one victory. Here is a list of some of the MSTA Buyside-Sellside Hockey Game:
Stanchfield, Philip (RBC)
Venasky, Aaron (RBC)
Jandro, Chris (RBC)
Hendrickson, Danny (Northland)
Dragos, Brandon (Northland)
Soderberg, Eric (Northland)
Balog, David (Liquidnet)
Hinote, Dan (Wedbush)
Etzel, Rick (Arbor)
Hirsch, Erik (Roxbury)
Condon, Nick (Piper)
Bellows, Brian (Piper)
Carthy, Tom (Piper)
Mavrolis, Pete (Piper)
Orthey, Chris (Piper)
Sturgis, John (Piper)
Froker, Karson (Whitebox)
Sperling, Paul
Kaasargod, Ajay (Cornerstone)
Dan Hendrickson of Northland Capital Markets organized this annual event.
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