Aquis Technologies, the software development arm of Aquis Exchange*, has entered into a partnership with Strategic Insight (SI) to supply users of Aquis Market Surveillance (AMS) with SIs LiquidMetrix, the industry-leading solution for transaction cost analysis (TCA).
Users of AMS will be able to access, seamlessly, LiquidMetrix analytics to help them gain valuable insights into their trading activity and demonstrate Best Execution, as will be required under MiFID II. When a customer chooses AMS, they will have the option of receiving a fully-integrated Execution Quality Report from LiquidMetrix. All customers can choose to have AMS configured to send daily data files to LiquidMetrix for full data-analytics services.
Aquis and LiquidMetrix will offer both sets of products to their respective customers, providing a best-of-breed compliance solution with integrated surveillance and TCA tools to suit the specific needs of each organization.
Aquis Technologies creates and licenses a cost-effective matching engine and market surveillance technology for banks, brokers, investment firms and exchanges. In Europe there is particular demand for compliance and surveillance systems as existing Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) rules and in-coming MiFID II regulations mandate that trading firms of all types must have systems in place to monitor and analyse their order flow and transactions in order to detect actual, and attempted, market abuse and fulfil Best Execution criteria.
Commenting on the agreement, Magnus Almqvist, Head of Technology Sales, Aquis, said:
Surveillance from Aquis and with TCA from LiquidMetrix are complementary products. Together they are a great solution for those who need functionally-rich TCA from a recognised independent supplier to improve their trading and to comply with new regulatory and surveillance requirements.
Mark Ford, General Manager, LiquidMetrix, added:
We look forward to partnering with Aquis to provide our customers with real time trading and surveillance technology alongside meaningful independent analytics to add value and increase transparency. This partnership is all about giving users a cost-effective solution to the growing challenges they face.