Once again, IEX ATS is stepping up the transparency ante for dark pools and other non-public trading venues.
The venue, which has designs on becoming a full-fledged equity exchange, announced it would be creating and distributing a Top 50 Symbols Midday Report and Email.
Effective June 11th, and in response to strong feedback to its recently announced TOPS Viewer, IEX will provide firms a daily email containing a list of the top 50 Regulation NMS securities matched on the IEX ATS as of noon every day.
On a daily basis, IEX will generate a list of Top 50 Symbols as measured by volume (single matched) on the IEX ATS. The report will exclude any symbol where IEX volume is 10% or more of market volume.
The IEX Market Operations group will email the report to traders and other individuals who opt-in by replying in to Trading Alert #2015 – 012, which initially was published on the IEX website last Wednesday. The daily email will also include a second list showing the Top 50 Symbols as of the end of the prior trading day.
The reported data represents single-counted, aggregate volume of shares traded on the IEX ATS and does not include volume of shares routed to and executed on away venues. Data represents all volume traded on IEX during regular market hours (9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET), or as otherwise indicated. Market data is captured by the IEX system from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET.
A live Top 50 Symbols list will be accessible on the IEX website HERE.