TS Imagine Unveils Platform 3.0

TS Imagine, a global, cross-asset provider of trading, portfolio, and risk management solutions for financial institutions, has announced the global availability of Platform 3.0, encompassing the culmination of three years of strategic research, development, and investment.

Rob Flatley

“The key features of Platform 3.0 can be summarized as follows: more data, more automation, the introduction of AI, the expansion of asset classes within fixed income and commodities, the sharpening of risk management tools, and the availability of our sophisticated, time-tested solutions within digestible modules for small and mid-sized financial institutions,” TS Imagine CEO and Founder Rob Flatley told Traders Magazine.

Over the past three years, TS Imagine established a dedicated data and analytics function and recruited a global team of data experts who delivered an extensive expansion of data coverage seamlessly integrated in Snowflake. 

The expanded data set provides unparalleled price discovery and liquidity access, including a cross-asset class liquidity network encompassing over 300 endpoints.

Platform 3.0 introduces AI into TS Imagine products across trading and risk management. AI converts unstructured data into structured data primed for machine learning and automation. The automation provides users access to a broad set of data in a timely manner.

“AI is one of the most consequential breakthroughs we have seen since the advent of trading and risk management technology, and we are thinking about it from multiple angles,” commented Flatley.

“From a client perspective, with its comprehensive data set, TradeSmart EMS serves as an incubator for AI, allowing users to receive the latest AI tools via the cloud, to synthesize a vast data set within seconds for intraday insights and liquidity sourcing, and strengthen compliance and controls,” he said.

“Within TS Imagine, our operations team uses AI to drive accuracy, timeliness, and completeness in data management, and to more wholistically inform client service representatives,” he added.

Platform 3.0 also includes the integration of AutoRoute, an advanced EMS automation tool designed to simplify and enhance order flow management.

AutoRoute automatically routs orders to block venues, automatically assigns orders to brokers and traders, and much more.

The automation tools also allow traders to automatically classify trades and to customize rules for workflow efficiency and automatic compliance with regulations such as the Best Execution Rule.  

In addition, Platform 3.0 delivers an even wider range of instruments to traders and their teams in more asset classes.

With the data expansion, TS Imagine products cover over 20 million financial instruments, including all listed securities and bonds from terms and conditions of a financial instrument to quantitative data structures including yield curves, volatility surfaces and time series. 

According to Flatley, Platform 3.0 significantly fortifies the comprehensive financial risk management solutions within Risk Smart + and RiskSmart X, allowing users to manage and mitigate their financial market risk, and safeguard their investments better and more effectively.

He also said that Platform 3.0 features robust post-trade transaction management and reporting, including automated, detailed tracking of trade history and validation of best execution against hundreds of benchmarks optimized for transaction cost analysis (TCA).

The post-trade functionality allows users to automatically maintain accurate records, streamlining their post-trade processes, and allowing for more control over compliance processes. 

Flatley stressed that through TS One, small and mid-sized investment firms access the same tools used by the world’s most sophisticated investors.

Platform 3.0 delivers these tools within modules representing important operational functions such as compliance, accounting and risk. The modules allow users to customize their technology stacks according to their unique requirements, and to add modules as they grow.  

Commenting on the current technological landscape, Flatley said: “In the capital markets technology landscape, everyone seems to agree on the need to consolidate fragmented product and data silos for leaner, more efficient operations.”

“It sounds great in theory—who wouldn’t want streamlined processes and lower costs? But here’s the catch: you’re dealing with decades of asset class-centric data and software legacy that’s about as easy to untangle,” he added.

To make matters more challenging much of the vended software isn’t even SaaS-enabled and is still stuck in single-tenant mode, Flatley argued.

“So, while the industry loves to talk about the wonders of reinvention with AI, the reality is you’re often stuck trying to make ancient systems and outdated software play nice together. Sure, the goal of consolidation is clear, but getting there? Let’s just say it’s not exactly a walk in the park when you’re dragging decades-old infrastructure along for the ride,” he said.

“As a technology provider to 500 of the world’s leading financial institutions, with connections to over 250 listed brokers and venues, we operate at the epicenter of capital markets. We need to keep our finger on the pulse of innovation and collaborate with our clients and partners as we evolve our products,” he concluded.