FLASH FRIDAY: Meet Clear Street’s Zoomers

FLASH FRIDAY is a weekly content series looking at the past, present and future of capital markets trading and technology. FLASH FRIDAY is sponsored by Instinet, a Nomura company.

What is Gen Z all about? 

Commonly defined as people born between 1997 and 2012, the demographic group, often called Zoomers, inspires a range of opinions. 

Negative stereotypes include: Self-absorbed. Screen-obsessed. Privileged. Entitled.

But, come on. That’s glass-half-empty. Traders Magazine prefers this more constructive, research based description: “a typical Gen Zer is a self-driver who deeply cares about others, strives for a diverse community, is highly collaborative and social, values flexibility, relevance, authenticity and non-hierarchical leadership, and, while dismayed about inherited issues like climate change, has a pragmatic attitude about the work that has to be done to address those issues.”

At any rate, Gen Z represents the future and the group is increasingly driving the present, both in our capital markets industry and more broadly. So we’d like to get to know them better. 

Traders took a crack at getting better acquainted with Gen Z in the summer of 2021, for example with T. Rowe Price, the New York Stock Exchange, and Instinet. We’re dusting off the idea for another run in 2024.

To kick off, we were pleased to connect with a quartet of Zoomers from Clear Street, a six-year-old fintech firm whose mission is to modernize the brokerage ecosystem.


Amanda Pyle, Senior Associate, Business Development

Briefly describe your educational background and work experience, including current role/responsibilities.

I graduated with a degree in Mathematics from the University of Arizona. Soon after, I dove into the finance industry, starting in an operational role supporting Institutional accounts. Currently, I’m part of Clear Street’s Active division. I provide client support for retail traders.  From the initial contact to building long-term client relationships, my job is to understand the trader and how we can support their goals.

What is the best aspect of your job?

I love the diversity of tasks. Whether it’s onboarding clients, attending live trading conferences or collaborating on product development to enhance processes, there’s always something exciting to engage in. And the teamwork aspect is great!

What do you like to do outside work?

Working market hours on the West Coast allows for afternoon activities. I enjoy anything that allows me to soak up the sun such as beach walks with my dog, playing golf & a good happy hour.

What is your social media platform of choice, and why?

Instagram! I love it because we get to meet so many people throughout life and I think it’s the easiest platform to stay connected with people on. Some even refer to it as the new Facebook!

Is it true Gen Z hates to talk on the phone?

There’s a certain efficiency in booking appointments and reservations online compared to making phone calls. However, in my job, I’m on the phone most of the day and have found it to be the most effective way to communicate with clients.

How optimistic are you in your generation’s ability to step up and lead (companies, industries, governments) when the time comes?

I am excited for our generation! We have the competitive edge of learning from the successful generations above us and leveraging our tech-savvy, competitive spirits, and creative thinking to lead teams, companies and this country in the future.


Kellen Sandvik, Quantitative Analyst

Briefly describe your educational background and work experience, including current role/responsibilities.

I studied math in college and did internships at Blackrock and the CIA. Before joining Clear Street, I was a Co-Founder of a finance startup focusing on automated trading strategies. I am currently a quantitative analyst on the Clear Street treasury team, building methodologies to measure and optimize liquidity/funding.

How did you get interested in the world of finance / fintech / asset management?

I’ve always been fascinated with money. When I was in the 2nd grade, I remember creating a board game called Warren Buffet (buf-FAY), which was an overly-complicated spin on Monopoly and forcing my family to play. Now I get paid to play the game!

What is the best aspect of your job?

One of the best parts of my role at Clear Street is that I constantly get to use my creative side. Since it is a rapidly growing company, most projects have to be built from the ground up, and I am trusted to make fundamental decisions about how they are developed.

Any notable mentors, past or present, that you’d like to recognize?

Two things that make me good at my job are a strong analytical education and an insatiable love of problem solving. I have no doubt that my math teacher/coach in high school was foundational in developing these traits.

What do you like to do outside work?

I am an avid runner and a member of Front Runners New York. I regularly join “fun runs” in the park and participate in multiple NYRR races each year.

Flash forward 20 years: What does your career look like?

In 20 years, I honestly hope my job does not look any different – I want to spend my days working on fun and interesting problems.


Maggie Johnson, Marketing Coordinator 

Briefly describe your educational background and work experience, including current role/responsibilities.

I graduated from Marist College with a degree in Business Administration, concentrating in marketing and international business. I started my career at a media company, focusing on custom client campaigns. Today, I am part of the marketing team at Clear Street, where I coordinate various aspects of both marketing and public relations.

How did you get interested in the world of finance / fintech / asset management?

I’ve been interested in finance from a young age, but learning more about fintech and the opportunity to work for such a fast-moving company only solidified my decision to pursue a career in the field. 

What is the best aspect of your job?

I love that no two days are ever the same.  As part of the marketing team, I engage with every part of the company—handling client swag requests, setting up events, and curating social copy. There is never a dull moment! 

What do you like to do outside work?

Outside of work, I enjoy going for runs. Running has not only become my favorite form of exercise but also allows me to clear my head as I listen to a go-to podcast or some good music to keep my momentum going.

What is your social media platform of choice, and why? 

While I do spend my fair share of time on TikTok, my preferred social media platform is Instagram. I find it to be the most convenient way for me to stay connected with people from my hometown and college. 

Flash forward 20 years: What does your career look like?

20 years from now, I hope to have an even deeper understanding of the world of finance and marketing. From the lively office atmosphere to the people I get to interact with, I have found an industry that I’m excited to be a part of. 


Andrew Saad, Associate, Investment Banking

Briefly describe your educational background and work experience, including current role/responsibilities.

Growing up in Jersey City, NJ as a first generation Egyptian-American, I’ve always wanted to be a firefighter but somehow landed in finance – I’m still putting out fires one way or the other. After receiving my Bachelor’s degree from Fordham University, I’ve worked at Bank of America, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Blackstone. 

How did you get interested in the world of finance / fintech / asset management?

I had a taste of the work early on, growing my startup family business, which sparked my interest in working with companies.

What is the best aspect of your job?

Currently, I’m an Investment Banking Associate at Clear Street working on transactions within mergers and acquisitions. My role isn’t just about crunching numbers – I get to collaborate with entrepreneurs and investors, dive into strategy and innovation, navigate various financial landscapes, and make a significant impact on businesses. 

Any notable mentors, past or present, that you’d like to recognize?

Throughout my career, I’ve had the pleasure to meet many wonderful individuals, including my mentors Jason Gonos, John D’Agostini, and Nick Hemmerly. 

What do you like to do outside work?

Outside my riveting 9-5, my interests are basketball, chess, and volunteering at a diversity program called SEO, where I mentor high school students on college and career readiness. I also coach third- year college students before going into their investment banking and alternative investment internships. 

How optimistic are you in your generation’s ability to step up and lead when the time comes?

Working with some of the brightest individuals at Blackstone and Clear Street encourages me to think that my generation is entrepreneurial, purpose-driven, and adept at addressing challenges with innovative solutions.