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Bill Johnson, The Griswold Co., Dan Morrissey, Fidelity Capital Markets, Dennis Lacey, The Griswold Co., all New York.

Allyson Smith, Kimberly Kissan, both AutEx/Thomson Financial, Mark Enriques, Pulse Trading, all Boston.

Dolores Blandino, Pat Kilcooley, both BNY ESI, Lisa Acocella, Lynch Jones & Ryan, all New York; Bob Burns, Fleet Trading, Jersey City; Leila Edwards, John Bridges, both New England Securities, Boston.

Stan UnderChauer, Doug Colton, both Moors and Cabot, Ron Russo, Garden State Securities, all Boston.

Charlie Padala, John Curley, both Herzog Hiene Geduld, Jersey City; Ed Bruce, Georgia Pacific, Vancouver.