Rob Stonesifer, Adams Express, Baltimore; Greg and Liz Cavallo, LaBranche Financial Services, Brett Redfearn, American Stock Exchange, Chip Burke, Phil Rapp, both LaBranche Financial Services, all New York.

Gregg and Christine Dudzinski, WV Frankel, Jersey City; Michael Robson, guest; Louise Cooper Robson, TD Securities, Toronto.

Lauren Sbardone, Archipelago, Chicago; Rich Striefler, Schwab Capital Markets, Jersey City; Mary Irving, Charles Schwab, San Francisco; Ed March, Midwood Securities, New York.

Jean and Tim Curley, Merrill Lynch, Larry Peruzzi, The Boston Co., Tom and Brenda Mandile, Merrill Lynch, all Boston.

Mark McDermott, OES, Boston; Cindy McDermott, guest, Kim and Matt McDermott, Susquehanna International Group, Boston.

Cindy McDermott, Kim McDermott, guests, Mary McDermott Holland, Eileen Holland Green, both Franklin Portfolio Associates, Boston; Kathleen Holland, guest.

Joseph Cangemi, BNY Direct Execution, Cathy Dixon, NB Asset Management, New Brunswick; Martin Hakker, Oliver Hugh-Jones, both royalblue financial, New York.

Philip Boroff, Bloomberg News, New York; Peter Farkas, Pershing Trading, Jersey City; Jim Jacoby, Traditon Asiel Securities, New York.

Harry Egans, Sungard Brokerage Services, New York; Andrew Pudalov, Dan Diversey, both Townsend Analytics, Chicago.