Judy Bennett, The Interstate Group, Charlotte; Karen Ekegren, Wells Fargo, Minneapolis; Ray Murray, Jones & Associates, Heathrow; Kathy Wilke, The Interstate Group, Charlotte.

Bobby Sonzo, Knight Trading Group, Chicago; Jason Roeske, American Express Financial Advisors, Minneapolis.

Tony DelCarmine, Mike Thurlow, both UBS Warburg, Stamford; John Fruscella, Tucker Anthony, New York; Randy Minniear, UBS Warburg, Stamford.

Steve Murphy, Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, New York; Julian Gillespie, Friedman Billings Ramsey, Virginia; Margaret Burke, Boston Stock Exchange, Boston; Karl Hinsch, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, New York.

Tim Schulze, Reuters, Chicago; James McCathy, Salomon Smith Barney, New York; Ken Gast, Bridge Trading, St. Louis.

Michael Costley, American Express Brokerage, Minneapolis; Jason Sullivan, Paragon Capital Markets, New York; Frank Flynn, Francis P. Maglio, New York; Gregory Ewing, American Express Brokerage, Minneapolis.

Michael Campbell, Tim Hartigan, both Merrill Lynch, New York; Mike Horton, American Express Brokerage, Minneapolis; Chris Overbeck, Merrill Lynch, New York.

Ron Segal, WIT Soundview, Stamford; Steve Volk, BNY ESI, New York; Tom Kozlak, St. Paul Companies, St. Paul;
Paul Sperling, Wells Fargo, Minneapolis.

Craig Bernhardt, John Hickey, both Sanford Capital; Mike Cody, Michael Eager, both JP Morgan Chase, all New York.

Ron Segal, WIT Soundview, Stamford; Michael Campbell, Merrill Lynch, New York; Bill Burke, Robertson Stephens, San Francisco.

Paul Aprigliano, Herzog Heine Geduld, Jersey City; Frank Childress, A.G. Edwards, St. Louis; Laurie Haeg, MJSK, Minneapolis; Steve Murphy, Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder; Alfred Hassinger, A.G. Edwards, both New York.

Tom Shannon, Fleet Trading, Jersey City; Verna Kaufman, American Express Brokerage; Eric Svien, Lowry Hill Investment Advisor, both Minneapolis.

Jim Muller, ITG, New York; Kristy Morse, Mendakota Country Club, Minneapolis; Eric Blake, US Trust Company of N.Y.;
Terry Duffy, ITG, both New York.