Mark Held, Christine Higgins, both SEI Investments; Debbie Kase, BNY ESI & Co.; Jerry Logan, Herzog Heine Geduld.

Robin Jordan, Trainer Wortham; Al Sarnatora, BNY ESI & Co.; Mary McDermott Holland, Franklin Portfolio; Richard Clark, BNY ESI & Co.

Jim Bloom, Bloom Staloff; Shannon Fitzgerald, BNY ESI & Co.; Tom Crowley, Harry Green, Bloom Staloff.

Mike Borgia, Sanford Bernstein; Bob Masi, Bank of New York; Chris Springer, BNY ESI & Co.; Matt Levinson, Ernst & Young.

Keith Dorney, BNY ESI & Co.; Eugene Foran, Wolfgang Strauss, Bank of New York; Ted Kanarek, Callan Associates.

Jocelyn Lynch, Bank of New York; Lisa Manuele, Dolores Blandino, both BNY ESI & Co.; Eleanor Ogden, Mitchell Hutchins,; Al Sarnatora, BNY ESI & Co.

Fran Fleming, B-Trade Services; Rob Heerze, Matt Earlywine, George Weiss Associates Inc.; Matt McBarron, B-Trade Services.

Lou Scotti, Watson Investments; David Bryan, BNY ESI & Co.; Lu Cortese, NDB Capital Markets; Ed Schmitz, Gerard Klauer Mattison.

Kevin ORourke, Bank of New York; Ed Bedard, Banc of America; Brian Jacobs, PIMCO Funds Distribution LLC; Mark Perdigao, Carey Pack, both BNY ESI & Co.

Don Sforza, Lazard Freres; Trevor Davies, BNY ESI & Co.; Dana Ross, Peter Sheren, both J&W Seligman; John Kennedy, BNY ESI & Co.

Mark Perdigao, BNY ESI & Co.; Brian Jacobs, PIMCO Funds; Ray Connery, Bank of New York; Mike Pylypyshyn, Summit Bank.

Al Sturdivant, Sturdivant & Co., Inc.; Al Sarnatora, Paul Basmajian, Fred Graboyes, Richard Clark, Andy Friedman, all BNY ESI & Co., John Onofrio, Alliance Capital.

Pat Kilcooley, BNY ESI & Co.; Peter Iaconis, Paul Cucurullo, Vincent Urso, all Ark Asset Management.