Special Event: On Stage Interview of Stan ONeal, Chairman and CEO, Merrill Lynch & Co.
On stage Interview
Paul Steiger, The Wall Street Journal; Stan ONeal, Merrill Lynch, both New York.

Exchange Markets
Moderator: William Freund, Pace University; Panelists: Robert McSweeney, NYSE, New York; Edward OMalley, National Stock Exchange; Ed Provost, CBOE, both Chicago; Jenny Drake, Archipelago; Adena Friedman, Nasdaq; David Harris, American Stock Exchange, all New York; Sandy Frucher, Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Philadelphia.

Newer Trading Markets
Moderator: Kim Bang, Bloomberg Tradebook; Panelists: Michael Cashel, Harborside Plus; Fred Federspiel, Pipeline Trading Systems; Robert Gasser, NYFIX Millennium; Alex Goor, Inet ATS; Seth Merrin, Liquidnet; William OBrien, Brut; all New York.

Sell Side Views (Domestic and International)
Moderator: Bernie Madoff, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities; Panelists: David Grayson, Auerbach Grayson & Co., New York; Larry Leibowitz, UBS Capital Markets; Jersey City; Bruce McEver, Berkshire Capital Securities; Duncan Niederauer, Goldman Sachs, both New York; Eric Noll, Susquehanna Intl. Group, Bala Cynwyd; Carey Pack,
BNY Brokerage, New York.

Views of Buy Side and Regulators
Moderator: Ian Domowitz, ITG, New York; Wayne Wagner, Plexus Group, New York; Brian Pears, Victory Capital Mgmt., Columbus; Steve Luparello, NASD, Washington D.C.; Richard Ketchum, NYSE, New York; Michael Epstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; Mark Enriquez, Pulse Trading, Boston; Joe Cangemi, BNY Brokerage, New York; Stephen Williams, SEC, Washington D.C.