Karen Anhouse, guest; Sonny and Chris Cappillo, Spear Leeds & Kellogg Capital Markets, Jersey City; Bob Reed, guest.

Stephen Cox, guest; Nancy McLaughlin, BNYESI & Co., New York; Ed McNamara, guest; Mary Ellen Cox, Denver Investments, Denver.

Jeff and Elisa Mazen, Instinet, New York; Jim Jones, Preesh Capital Management, Fran McIntosh, B-Trade, both New York.

Paul Cornette, J.P. Morgan, New York; Will Essin, Unicom Capital, Denver; John Novak, J.P. Morgan, New York.

Bill Falk, Thomas Weisel Partners, George Eberle, S.G. Cowen & Co., both San Francisco; Gary Cohen, J.P. Morgan Securities, New York.

Jack Tierney, Jefferies & Co., Dallas; Daniel McCarthy, Leerink Swann & Co., Boston; Marnie and Michael Hock, Jefferies & Co., Short Hills.

Peter Battaglia, Sherwood Securities, Jersey City; Matt Terriss, Georgia Pacific Securities, Vancouver; Timothy Dawson, Heights & Partners, New York.

Robert Anotolini, Fleet Trading, Jersey City; Suzanne Raiola, Spear Leeds & Kellogg, New York; Sandra Ripert, J.P. Morgan, Kim Griffith, Bear Stearns, both New York.

Marsha Servetnick, guest; Bill Schaeder, Dain Rauscher Wessels, Gail Kummer, Winslow Capital Management, both Minneapolis; Debbie McGrann, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, New York.

Anthony Pappalardo, SG Cowen, Gary Wiatric, Sharpe Capital, both New York; Steve Carolus, International Assets, Winter Park.

Jim Lloyd, McDonald & Co., Chicago; Catherine Knight, Felicity Jewel, both guests; Brett Detterbeck, ABN Amro, Chicago; Marnie Tetzlaff, Traders Magazine, New York.