The talent and resources of CDA/Spectrum and Technimetrics, two global leaders in providing institutional-ownership data to the financial markets, were recently combined to create an entirely new company to be called CDA/Spectrum. The new concern was created through the acquisition of Technimetrics by the Thomson Corp., the parent of CDA/Spectrum. In uniting the strengths of both organizations, the new CDA/Spectrum will achieve unrivaled data coverage and a delivery capability featuring an extensive array of products and services. The investor-relations advisory business of Technimetrics, also acquired by Thomson, will continue to be operated under the Technimetrics name.
CDA/Spectrum's principal product offerings to the financial-trading market include the Equity Gateway, an online service available via major market-data vendors. The recently released ShareWatch Gateway (see adjacent article) extends both the data coverage and functionality of the current Equity Gateway to meet the needs of today's financial-trading professionals. Additional CDA/Spectrum products include those developed using the Technimetrics ownership database. These products include Share/World via Unilink and Network Share/World, a client-server application. CDA/Spectrum plans to release another new product, Integrator, this summer. Integrator is expected to provide financial-trading institutions with an unbeatable combination of security-ownership data and information from Technimetrics' extensive database of institutions and contacts.
CDA/Spectrum is fast at work integrating the two ownership databases and organizations. As an initial step, the company is building a data-sharing capability. This phase of development will ensure that the sum total of data coverage is shared by all products by facilitating the transfer of information on securities, owners and holdings from one database to the other. All clients are expected to see improvements in data coverage and quality as a result of this initial effort. The second phase of development will involve the creation of an entirely new global-data repository to support both existing and future products.
With the combined resources and capabilities of two organizations, CDA/Spectrum is committed to raising the standard of its products and the services it provides to its clients. For information about how CDA/Spectrum can serve the needs of your organization both now and in the future, please contact CDA/Spectrum at (800) 232-6362.