MIH Holdings and Templum Join to List Digital Securities on MIAX Exchange

Miami International Holdings, Inc. (MIH), the parent holding company of the MIAX Options, MIAX PEARL and MIAX Emerald options exchanges (the MIAX Exchange Group), and Templum Inc. (Templum), a leading innovating financial technology company and its subsidiary, Templum Markets, provider of a regulated, end-to-end solution for raising capital and secondary for private digital securities, today announced a strategic partnership. The collaboration allows Templum to expand into the public sector by entering into an agreement in principal with MIH to develop a fully regulated exchange to trade digital securities. The joint venture will be SEC-registered and operated as a facility of an exchange owned by MIH and subject to SEC approvals.

We are excited to be partnering with Templum to launch an SEC-regulated digital securities exchange, said Thomas P. Gallagher, Chairman and CEO of MIH. Templum is a highly recognized name in the emerging digital securities sector, and we are confident that together with MIHs exchange operation success, this partnership will result in a reliable platform that will protect investors and ensure orderly and efficient markets for digital securities.

MIH boasts an amazing industry pedigree and the MIAX Exchanges have a proven track record. Templum is honored to be recognized and selected by MIH to jointly build a public exchange for digital securities, said Christopher Pallotta, Co-Founder and CEO of Templum, With our expertise in creating the premier marketplace for digital securities and MIHs expertise in operating exchanges, we believe that this partnership will advance digital securities and bring greater efficiencies to the market

For further information regarding MIH and the MIAX Exchange Group, please visit www.MIAXOptions.com or contact MIAX Trading Operations at TradingOperations@MIAXOptions.com.

For further information regarding Templum, please visit www.templuminc.com.