Transaction Network Services (TNS) can now enable firms to directly access market data from all US Equity Option Exchanges, providing reduced complexity and significant cost savings. This offering is achieved because of TNS’ mutualized exchange connections and status as a registered data vendor with all 16 Equity Option Exchanges in the US.
TNS has one of the fastest, commercially available fiber networks in the New York metro area. With complete access and control over routes, TNS’ dedicated operations teams ensure network optimization via a combination of high capacity, ultra-low-latency and maximum uptime, delivered via fully diverse circuits.
Dark fiber connectivity in the strategically important New York Triangle gives traders ultra-high-speed access to real-time, full depth of book, raw market data feeds.

“Accessing Equity Options requires extremely high bandwidth,” said Jeff Mezger, TNS’ Vice President of Product Management.
“With data feeds requiring up to 20 gigabits per second each, and some exchanges requiring 40 gigabit bandwidth connections, there can be many challenges for trading firms opting for a ‘do-it-yourself’ approach. We have designed our network with 100 gigabit backbone links to handle the high volumes, which is vital for clients wanting to transport data for all of these exchanges.”
The 16 US Equity Option Exchanges are segmented into five exchange groups; the Boston Options Exchange (BOX) operates one US Equity Options Exchange, Nasdaq operates six, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) operates four, NYSE operates two and the Miami Exchange (MIAX) operates three.
“TNS connects to these exchanges from within the colocation facilities,” added Mezger. “This makes use of the lowest latency exchange connections available. Through these connections TNS can offer raw market data access to both exchange members and non-members.”
Working with TNS is highly cost effective with Managed Hosting solutions engineered to deliver rack-optimized cabling and design. The TNS infrastructure brings together over 2,800 financial community endpoints to address the needs of financial market participants worldwide. Traders that use the company’s Managed Hosting solution benefit from TNS’ global point-of-presence footprint and extensive existing on-net connections, which include uninterrupted access to more than 60 exchanges with local, physical support around the globe.
Source: TNS