Tom Bliley has an appearance straight out of central casting: tall, white-haired and courtly. But he's no actor. Bliley is chairman of the House Commerce Committee.
And the Republican congressman from Virginia was at the center of a political storm in the waning hours of the 105th Congress last month.
Bliley single-handedly derailed proposed compromise legislation that would have placed a one-year cap on revenues for the federal government raised from Section 31 transaction fees. The cap would have limited the levy to an estimated $150 million in 1999 based on current equity-transaction volume, enough to buttress the Securities and Exchange Commission's budget.
Bliley foiled the efforts of House Rules Committee Chairman Gerald Solomon (R-N.Y.), who was spearheading a Section 31 relief campaign spurred by an activist group of trade associations and exchanges led by the Security Traders Association.
So for now, the equity-trading community must face the continued toll of full-scale Section 31 fees, though efforts to reintroduce a relief bill are expected on Capitol Hill sometime during the next session
(Solomon's unsuccessful legislation is separate from a proposal by the National Association of Securities Dealers, filed with the SEC, to eliminate the double-counting on Nasdaq market makers' riskless principal trades.)
Solomon's Strategy
Solomon's aim was to attach his proposed fee-cap legislation to the omnibus spending bill in Congress, coming just hours before lawmakers headed home for Election Day. But in the end his effort collapsed because of Bliley's strong opposition.
"When [lobbyists and others] came to see me about reducing Section 31 fees, I said what you have to do first is get the agreement of all the committees involved, and I will go right along with that," Bliley told Traders Magazine, recounting the background of his efforts.
Speaking minutes before the floor debate on the spending bill, Bliley, who chairs the panel which has jurisdiction over the SEC, said the problem was that supporters of a reduction didn't get agreement from the relevant committees.
"They tried to do an end run and go through the [House] Rules Committee," he said. "And it wasn't just me objecting, but the appropriators were objecting too. The White House was objecting. [SEC Chairman] Arthur Levitt was objecting. And so it just didn't make it."
Capitol Hill observers dismissed Bliley's public position, saying it was a smokescreen for his deeply-rooted opposition to the Section 31 relief campaign. "Bliley's opposition doesn't stem from any philosophical disagreements," said an aide to a Republican congressman. "It stems from a fear of being perceived as helping liberal Democrats that lobby for groups such as the Securities Industry Association," claimed the aide. The SIA is a member of the ad hoc Section 31 coalition.
Bliley, an avowed conservative, bucked the hopes of many key Republicans who co-sponsored the original bill of GOP colleague Solomon for permanent fee-cap relief, including House Majority Leader Richard Armey (R-Texas), House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Archer (R-Texas), and House Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Livingston (R-La.).
Bliley even ignored the sentiments of the staunch GOP allies among the Washington tax-cutting crowd. Even the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Businesses went on record in support of the Solomon bill.
The White House
Jacob Lew, the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, presented the administration's position in a letter dated October 12 to Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), the ranking Democrat on the House Commerce Committee.
"New legislation altering fee collections and SEC funding if enacted without adequate consideration or input from all affected parties could upset the delicate balance so carefully crafted [in 1996 legislation]," the letter stated.
In the waning hours of Congress, it was a race to the wire, with Solomon offering his compromise to cap fees for one year with a provision to allow hearings in 1999, which was meant to appease Bliley. Solomon was desperate for victory. Earlier, he co-sponsored, along with Rep. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), his original but unsuccessful Section 31 fee-cap bill which would have provided permanent relief. A Republican staff member said Solomon was in his "tenacious mode" during the final days of the congressional session.
Just after House and Senate Republican leaders publicly declared the omnibus spending bill closed to further additions, a frustrated Solomon blamed the failure to have Section 31 included on the "lack of hearings" at the House Commerce Committee. But he refrained from criticizing Bliley, the panel's chairman, though he inferred he was responsible.
Even at the 11th hour, Solomon was in overdrive. "There are still things being added to it, and if we can convince the appropriate people, we'll still be able to maybe save it," Solomon said. The appropriate people included Bliley, he chuckled, noting that "there are really no objections on the Senate side."
The SEC was another matter.
"Arthur Levitt is very powerful in this process, much too powerful," said a source who spoke on condition of anonymity. "He was supposedly neutral, and he is now actively opposing the bill." The source accused Bliley and Dingell of "carrying water for the SEC."
In fact, Levitt wrote to Dingell on October 7 because of their mutual concern about the Solomon bill. Rushing to change the fee-reduction mechanism adopted in the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996, "without hearings or sufficient public discourse, may produce a solution that itself requires further revisions," the SEC chairman wrote.
House Speaker
In a footnote to the campaign for Section 31 relief, House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) was thought to be supportive of Solomon's efforts. In a brief exchange with Traders Magazine, he inferred, however, that the issue may not even have been brought to his attention. "I don't know anything about it, honestly," Gingrich said.
Solomon, nonetheless, wrote an October 14 letter to the Speaker which would seem to contradict Gingrich's claim. "I want to follow up our conversation today regarding my legislation (H.R. 4213) capping SEC stock-transaction fees, as well as thank you for your offer to raise this issue with White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles," the letter stated. A copy of the letter was obtained by this publication.
Meanwhile, the outlook for Section 31 relief in 1999 appears clouded."I got the commitment from Chairman Levitt to work with us to try to get the fees more in line with the cost of operating the SEC," Bliley said.
As for the tenacious Gerald Solomon, he is retiring from Congress.