Monday, July 8, 2024

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Bull Trading on Delusions

Bull Trading on Delusions

...term, means so many different things – but an enormous proportion of today's trades involve index arbitrage. An awful lot of buying and selling activity is "ganged" and executed mechanically,...
The Business Classics

The Business Classics

...passive management and for index funds. Malkiel, in this fascinating book that was updated in a 1995 edition, shows how relying on past performance for selecting the correct investment is...
The Unintended Consequences

The Unintended Consequences

...The fund represents a quarter of a million employees and retirees. Stack joined OPERS in October from ING Funds in New York. For its index programs, OPERS uses electronic and...
Nasdaq’s Electronic Call Auction

Nasdaq’s Electronic Call Auction

...the index suppliers and traders over the closing process. The S&P/Amex accord was a rude awakening. "Standard & Poor's has concluded that there are substantial concerns among its index clients...
Oracle Partners’ Redemption

Oracle Partners’ Redemption

...is too late. I agree it is very late in the game just to buy the biotech index, at least on a short-term basis. But over the intermediate term, the...
Older Options Marts Prepare for Turmoil

Older Options Marts Prepare for Turmoil

...Commission to ban the right of exchanges to handle exclusive index contracts. Both measures were outlined in a petition to the SEC late last year from the New York-based ISE....
Hedgies for the Pros

Hedgies for the Pros

...selling point. You're right. We use HFR's indexes for comparison. We are biased towards them but they do a pretty good job of keeping the index clean and they do...
Commodities Good, Stocks Trash

Commodities Good, Stocks Trash

...as they develop. Jim, isn't survivorship bias clouding your view there? You can't "buy China" in an actively managed index, so you have to be widely diversified – which means...
At Deadline

At Deadline

...suggest that recent stock returns exert an important influence on index option prices," Seyhun said. "This creates opportunity as well as potential problems for investors who trade options." In a...
Vanguard’s Bogle on a Crusade

Vanguard’s Bogle on a Crusade

...year ends, all investors wake up and buy index funds. They buy $100 million in the index funds at .18. The Investment Company Institute would describe that as a 90...


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