The water fountain welcomes traders and other professionals to the 38th annual Florida Security Traders Association meeting at the Waldorf Astoria, Orlando. Temps were in the 70 degree range.
The opening night's reception featured not just the usual adult music and aperitives, but also activities such as face painting for the kids.
Florida STA president Jacob Rappaport welcomes the attendees over music and cocktails.
Jay Biancamano, Fidessa, chatting it up with conference delegates
Florida STA president Jacob Rappaport
S3's Mark Davies enjoying the warm sun after morning golf.
Conference traders and families were treated to a private cabana by the pool, courtesy of Jones Trading.
As the SEC closes in on its Reg ATS proposal, panelists Philip Pearson (ITG), Chris Nagy (Healthy Markets and KOR trading), Richard Levin (Bryan Case) and Jay Biancamano (Fidessa) discuss the state of market structure.
Food and refreshments in the Ballroom before getting a groove on.
More attendees enjoying food and music before stepping out on the dance floor.
Two traders yukking it up amid the dinner and dancing.
Florida STA president Jacob Rappaport introducing the first panel
Opening remarks courtesy of STA National Chairman of the Board, John Russell, Franklin Templeton.
Traders and significant others getting down on it as the DJ spins his tunes...
"Don't blame it on the sunshine, don't blame it on the moonlight, Don't blame it on the good times...Blame it on the boogie.. " the Jackson 5