Matthew Wessels of Artisan Partners, Jodie Mrotek of Geneva Capital, Andrew Harbeck of Cortina Asset Management, Jonathan Dekker of RW Baird, and Brett Biondi of Robert W Baird and Co.
Chris Totman of BMO, Caroline Tillman of Suntrust, and Chris Halverson of CAPS.
Matthew Wessels of Artisan Partners and guest.
Patty Nogalski of BMO Global Management.
Scott Tucker of Fiduciary Management.
Rory O'Kane of KCG and the chairman of the Security Traders Association for 2105.
Brett Biondi of Robert W Baird and Co., Chris Yuknek of RW Baird, and Scott Tucker of Fiduciary Management.
Justin Oeltze of Jones Trading and Angela Figg of Instinet.
Caroline Tillman of Suntrust.
Holding court with the delegates.
Jim Nolen of Drexel Hamilton, Patty Nogalski of BMO Global Management, and Chris Halverson of CAPS.
Paul Joseph of RW Baird and Karen Leppla of RW Baird.
Dan Kaufman of Lab 49, Sean Quigley of Citigroup, and Jason Jericho of Stephens.
Steve Iskalis of Wunderlich Securities.
Aaron Lebedow of MFL Associates, Madeline Lebedow of MFL Associates, and Chris Halverson of CAPS.
Ralph Falls of Jankey and Bruce Kos of Stephens.
Lee Jansen, Siergiey Kolishichenko, Frank Brunner, and Jeff Kaufman of RW Baird.
Matthew Wessels of Artisan Partners and Steve Iskalis of Wunderlich Securities.
Justin Oeltze of Jones Trading, Angela Figg of Instinet, David Humphreys of 1482 Capital Management and Kenney Gast of Instinet.
Chris Sonetz of William Blair and Andy Irwin of Geneva Capital Management.
Justin Oeltze of Jones Trading, Angela Figg of Instinet and the gang at the STAW.
Charles Green of GI Executive Services, Susan Lyall of KCG and
Andrew DAmore of KCG.
Paul Kujawa of Benchmark, Josh Van Dreel of Heartland Advisors