Order management systems are not just for buyside traders. Sellside broker-dealers rely on OMSes every day to keep an eye on trades as they unfold and to interact with their buyside clients. And like their buyside counterparts, these advanced trading tools offer many of the same features from pre-trade analytics to risk tools to support for algorithms. In this Traders slideshow, we present a sample of the latest cutting-edge OMSes for the sellside community. While we do not have all of the leading sellside OMS providers in the next few slides, we will add them in the weeks to come. Enjoy.
Bloomberg Sell-Side Execution and Order Management Solutions (SSEOMS) was first introduced in 2002. Bloomberg SSEOMS gives sell-side traders an integrated suite of tools for managing client order flow and executing order in global equities, futures and options. Bloomberg SSEOMS is delivered as a hosted solution through the Bloomberg Professional service and it enables sell-side investment firms to generate revenue, attain best execution, manage risk and compliance and improve operational efficiency.
Bloomberg's Trade Order Management Solutions (TOMS) provides sell-side fixed income firms with global, multi-asset solutions for front-end inventory, trading and middle and back office operations. Bloomberg TOMS enables sell side firms to streamline trader workflow, increase global distribution to markets, manage risk and compliance, and improve operational efficiency. The front office gets a multi- asset system with workflows designed specifically for traders and salespeople. The middle office gets trade processing solutions and the ability to manage regulatory connections. The back office gets integration with third party back offices and the downstream systems.
Fidessa's OMS was first introduced in 1991 and is now on version 14.4. The trading platform supports equities, equity options, derivatives and US Treasuries and its connectivity cloud provide access to more than 200 global markets through a robust infrastructure with uptime exceeding 99.999%. It has a full suite of advanced trading tools, including baskets, algorithms and pairs. It is an integrated trading platform for sales traders, traders, operations and market makers for front to middle office activity.
FlexTrade's ColorPalette OMS is a fully hosted order management system for broker/dealers trading US and international equities. Designed as a high throughput, automated system, ColorPalette allows you to manage institutional and retail order flow with streamlined order handling. The platform supports all capacities, such as compliance reporting with real-time alerts and a suite of more than 120 daily reports, as well as market making and block trading with advanced crossing and fill functionality.
Introduced in 2009, LquidityBook's LBX sellside OMS supports equities, options and futures. LiquidityBook's LBX was designed with a focus on automation and monitoring. Its features include commission and allocation rules and position monitoring, including trader/operations views. Its network offers DMA and FIX Hub integration as well as sponsored access, order hospitalization, and smart routing to multiple venues and EMS systems.
SS&C MarketTrader is a comprehensive, and cost-effective solution for order and execution management needs of broker-dealers. Introduced in 2000, SS&C MarketTrader enables you to operate more efficiently at each and every step of a trading process: from order capture (via FIX or manually) to execution to transaction and compliance reporting. OMS features include support for Equities and Options. It can be viewed via a Web-based browser or loaded onto the company's server, Offers Position monitoring, IOIs and trade advertisements, FIX network support via SS&C FIXLink; Broker Neutral Global FIX Network. This solution also includes Support for Algorithms, Pre-trade analytics and modeling, Pre-risk tools, Compliance tools, Basket trading and Low-latency DMA.
SunGard's Valdi OMS solution enables brokers to manage order flow for multiple assets and instrument classes globally. Valdi provides professional execution capabilities combined with global market/inter-broker network connectivity, back-office/clearing connectivity and risk management. The SunGard OMS supports such asset classes as Global Equities, US Exchange-listed derivatives, Closed-end funds, Global Futures, and FX.