Charlotte Bryan-Brown, KPMG, Vivian Tong, Sarah Martin, both SAC, all New York.
John Edge, Redkite, Eric Goldberg, Ari Katchikian, Scott Depetris, all Portware, all New York.
Tommy Kalikas, UBS, Bob Maqurie, CLSA, Brian Ritter, UBS, all New York.
Jon Schoen, Morgan Stanley, Marle Kuhlmann, BNP Parabis, both New York.
Jim Bogardus, Bill Lawrence, Dean Lyzak, all Griswold & Co., New York.
Dan Purcell, WJB Capital Group, Greg Gayner, Todd Lombria, both RW Baird, Tom Mullooly, Credit Suisse, all New York.
Louis Aronne, NYSE, Mandy Drury, Scott Wagner, both CNBC, Steve Grasso, Suart Frankel, all New York.
Kiko Delorenzo, Laura Sakezivh, both Maverick Capital, New York.
Tiffany Washburn, Adam Messick, Sally Skinner, Ola Sotoye, all Nasdaq, New York.
Alan Aymes, Joan Warburg, George Matyay, all St. Jude, New York.
Frank Degarcia, Bob Airo, both NYSE, New York.
Luke Lagern, Chris Greenfield, Scott Ranzman, all Bank of America Merrill Lynch, New York.
Stefani Munter, Caitlin Hart, both BMO, New York.
Carol Starr, Capital One, New York; Kevin Keavene, MKM, Todd Trimmer, Weedon & Co., Stamford; Lisa Utasi, Clearbridge Advisors, Elizabeth Gamsin, Jefferies & Co., New York.
Lana Raymin, Cantor Fitzgerald, Bill Schwane, NYSE, Sean Gallagher, Goldman Sachs, Molly Birkenes, guest, all New York.
Joe Lalicata, Direct Edge, Tom King, SunGard, both Jersey City; Ken Heath, Traders Magazine, New York.
Joe Laverde, UBS, Lisa Reindi, Sonya Chandan, both Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Kieran Kilkenny, Mike Lawsky, both UBS, all New York.