Earlier this month, veterans of the Chicago financial services scene pitched in to help people who are not on their client list. On October 14, members form the Security Traders Association of Chicago gathered at a local Ronald McDonald House to prepare and serve a meal for the families staying at the house.
Ronald McDonald Houses are homes near hospitals where family members can stay while a family member receives treatments for serious illnesses.
Ted Bilharz of CBOE, JJ Kinakan of TD Ameritrade, Geoff Coleman of ETRADE, Dan Koutris of Citigroup, Michael Palombo of Illinois Culinary, Angela Figg Palombo of Instinet, Tom Gemmell of Charles Schwab, Jack O'Donnell of Ion Trading and Gary Hunt of Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Angela Figg Palombo of Instinet
Dan Koutris of Citigroup and Michael Palombo of Illinois Culinary.
James Bohrer of Thomson Reuters, Jack O'Donnell of Ion Trading
and Tom Gemmell of Charles Schwab
Michael Palombo of Illinois Culinary.
Gary Hunt of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, JJ Kinakan of TDAmeritrade
and Tom Gemmell of Charles Schwab
Tom Gemmell of Charles Schwab and Geoff Coleman of ETRADE
James Bohrer of Thomson Reuters.
Jack O'Donnell of Ion Trading
JJ Kinakan of TD Ameritrade and Geoff Coleman of ETrade
Jack O'Donnell of Ion Trading, James Bohrer of Thomson Reuters and Dan Koutris of Citigroup
Gary Hunt of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Andrew D'Amore of KCG Chicago and STAC President, Michael Palombo of Illinois Culinary and Tom Gemmell of Charles Schwab,