CoinShares, Europe’s largest full-service digital asset investment and trading group, has launched HAL, a crypto-assets trading strategies platform for retail investors.

Jean-Marie Mognetti, CEO of CoinShares, said the biggest players in the digital asset industry are big exchange platforms that provide pure direct market access.
“We thought it was time to have the leading investment firm of the digital asset industry share its knowledge with crypto traders, meaning share some of its advanced quant strategies – all this to democratise professional trading of crypto,” he told Traders Magazine.
“We think the trading bot industry has been considered a scam for too long. CoinShares as a full-service digital asset investment and trading group aims to restore this quant know-how for crypto traders to its rightful place,” he added.
HAL simplifies crypto trading by offering all exchanges users access to trading algorithms designed by CoinShares’ quants.
“HAL makes advanced crypto trading effortless,” Mognetti stressed.
“We provide instant, easy access to automated strategies and indexes designed by professional quants. It’s dead simple: connect HAL to your favourite exchanges (Binance, FTX, Kraken, Bitfinex), pick your trading strategies, monitor results on a single dashboard,” he said.
“Some of our strategies enable you to HODL smartly by smoothing crypto volatility,” he added.
According to Mognetti, through HAL, traders will have access to a variety of active trading algorithms that automate the following strategies:
· Wise strategies are daily long-only trend-following strategies. They are designed to take part in market upsides and go neutral when they detect a drop in prices. It is engineered using a mix of long term trend following and mean reverting algorithms. Their trade horizon is medium to long term, standing for days or weeks.
· Pulse strategies are hourly, long-short trend-following strategies. They aim at profiting from both price increases & declines. To do so, they can take long, neutral or short positions and are always active on the market (as opposed to Wise strategies, which can only go long and switch to neutral in downtrends). Their trade horizon is short, standing at just one hour.
· Artificial Intelligence (AI) Pick is a multi-coin strategy, trading BTC and ETH following hourly or daily signals. It relies on deep learning / neural networks to process a wealth of data and make complex decisions. This neural network has been tested and trained to pick what it thinks will be the top ETH or BTC strategies for the following 24 hours. The strategy takes 9 different CoinShares BTC and ETH strategies into consideration – some of them undisclosed on the platform – covering a wide typology of trades. For instance, Wise: ETH and Wise: BTC are long-only strategies, while Pulse: ETH and Pulse: BTC are long-short strategies. Frequencies also vary, from medium-term (weekly signals) to short-term (daily and hourly signals). As a result, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Pick’s characteristics can vary from one day to the other.
· Dynamic, which is a low volatility and absolute return strategy, combines and balances several strategies together to allow for greater or lesser exposure on various assets depending on market conditions.
· Thematic index strategies (soon), will allow users to gain exposure to a crypto theme (or “universe”). The asset universe is defined and monitored by a monthly committee at CoinShares. The index is weighted and re-balanced on a weekly basis, following a deep learning model, which, according to our tests, outperforms an equally weighted or market cap index over the long term.
“We are currently providing 16 strategies. For the Pulse & Dynamic Strategies we enable the trading of Bitcoin and Ethereum,” commented Mognetti.
He said that the Wise strategies support Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, Matic, XRP, Cardano, Solana, Bitcoin Cash and Dogecoin.
“We plan to add more and more long only strategies supporting the most popular coins. We have a weekly dedicated investment committee reviewing the strategies of our quant team, we plan to regularly add new strategies made by our quant team,” he added.
“We will provide rebalancing indexes in the coming weeks as well,” he said.
HAL cannot currently be marketed to US users, but is currently marketed in Europe and is offered for €19,90 per month with no limit on selecting strategies.
The launch of HAL is part of CoinShares’ broader integrated strategy, which, after enabling exposure to digital assets to traditional finance players via its suite of crypto ETPs, is now addressing the target audience of crypto traders.
“We want to bring added value investment products to crypto investors. Direct Market Access is already done in the industry, our mission is to build the future of investing, we want tomorrow to offer advanced and seamless investment platforms for investors who want exposure to crypto,” Mognetti concluded.