RETAIL REPORT: John Q Public Likes Property and Equities
Traders Magazine Online News, April 10, 2019
What does John Q Public want to invest in this year?
And he only gets to choose one asset?
With the rise of cryptocurrencies, stock values, and property prices, Self Lender, a venture-backed startup that helps people build credit and savings. wanted to find out what Americans are looking to invest in over the next year. The firm asked them “If you only had one asset to invest in for 2019, which would it be?”
In their latest survey titled “America's 2019 Investment Choices” the firm uncovered some startling results.
First, almost half (48.6%) of the 1500 respondents said property would be the investment vehicle of choice. This was followed by 28.5% who said stocks or shares would be preferred and 15.5% who wanted bonds. Only 7.3% wanted to place money into cryptocurrencies.
When looking at age bracket and investment things get a little more interesting but in line with expectations:
18-24 year-olds were more likely to favor property
25-44 year-olds favored stocks and bonds more
45 to 65+ year-olds are all less interested in bonds compared to al younger age groups
Only 1.6% of those over the age of 65 would opt for cryptocurrencies
Also, men are 172% more likely to invest in cryptocurrency than women. Only 2% surveyed currently own cryptocurrency and 7.8% said they would invest in cryptocurrencies above all other assets (that represents a 270% increase from the year prior. 10% in the 18-25 age bracket saying crypto was their preferred investment.
Geographically speaking, people in the West are more likely to invest in property than in any other geography beating out the number two area (Northeast) by 28.6%, However, people in the Northeast were 60% more likely to invest in crypto than those in the West.
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